There are thousands of chartered accountants in Australia and they are in need of a variety of services. The best way to reach these chartered accountants is to get your hands on high-quality Australian chartered accountants email lists. However, buying Australian chartered accountants email lists is not that easy as there are a number of providers selling shady email lists that are full of fake email addresses.
Another way to target chartered accountants is to create a landing page and try to get them to subscribe to your own email list in exchange for free content or other such gifts. However, it will take a lot of time and money which means that you may not get good return on your investment. Also, it will delay achieving your marketing goals.
This is the reason that buying high-quality Australian chartered accountants email lists will ensure that you can start your marketing campaign at the earliest. However, all the email list sellers are not the same and there are a number of things you need to do to create a winning campaign.
Here is a list of some of the things that you need to do to make sure that your email marketing campaign turns out to be a success.
Find a Reputable Provider
The most important thing while buying an email list is that you need to find a reputable provider. Keep in mind that while there are a number of email list providers online, all are not created equal. In fact, there are more bad apples in this industry than there are good suppliers. The best way to find a quality email list providers is ask others in the industry and search online.
There are a number of discussion forums dedicated to email marketing where you can find information about high-quality providers. One of the ways to separate good providers from bad providers is to ask them to explain the cleanliness of their list and frequency of scrubbing to get rid of bad domains and duplicates.
You should also ask them about the frequency at which they update the list to make it as accurate and fresh as possible. This will help you in choosing the right supplier and a list that contains real email address and is highly targeted.
Clean the List
One of the most important tasks after you have bought the data is to clean it. Even if you have bought your list from one of the most reputable email list providers in the world, it is always commended to scrub your list to make sure that it does not contain any honey pots or duplicates or other such things that may affect your reputation.
There are quite a few reputable professional scrubbers available today that can help in cleaning your list at a small price. Usually, it costs only a fraction of the price of the email list and the cost is worth the investment. It has been observed that even very high quality lists contain around 20% bad emails. Therefore, it is better to get rid of these junk emails prior to mailing.
Buy Huge Number of EMail
The main goal of buying an email list is to get more traffic to your content on your website which ultimately should result in new business opportunities. Therefore, it is important that you buy substantial number of targeted emails. There is no use of buying small lists of less than 1000 contacts and go through the aforementioned steps as it won’t be cost-effective.
Therefore, it is better to buy a bigger list to get good return on your investment. In other words, don’t skimp on buying good number of emails to start your marketing campaign.
E-mail marketing experts recommend testing a newly purchased email list before beginning your actual marketing campaign. It will give you an idea of the recipients and how they respond to your email messages. It is always better to split your purchased list into two or three equal parts and send separate messages.
You should test your subject line, day of publication, time of publication as well as body of the message. You can also test a variety of colors and other such things that may help you in increasing the conversion rate. In other words, testing is extremely important.
Don’t Always Depend on Purchased Lists
Purchased email lists are a tool that should be used to grow your list organically. You should not become dependent on purchased lists as the quality may go down and your reputation may suffer if you keep using only purchased lists. Purchased lists should be used sparingly and only for kick starting your marketing campaign. Your focus should be on organically growing your master list with the help of the momentum provided by the purchased list.
Keep Your Expectations in Check
Even if you can get your hands on a highly targeted and super-high quality list, you may not get excellent results with your first mailing. It has been observed that a warmed up list usually has an open rate of close to 30% with 3% CTR and around 5% bounce rate. In simple terms, you should keep your expectations in check.
Overall, buying targeted Australian chartered accountants email lists can help you in achieving your marketing goals much faster as compared to growing your list organically. However, you need to follow the aforementioned tips to succeed in achieving your marketing goals.