Business Data FileMatching

Business Data Filematching
To comprehensively explore all avenues to append data to your file, we utilise 2 Options available for this Service-
1) File Cleaning and File Matching

We use the Dun & Bradstreet file-cleaning program takes your customer records then checks and adjusts Suburbs, States and Postcodes to ensure they are referring to the same geographical area. It also corrects telephone prefixes to the latest Austel standards. This process assists in enhancing the likelihood of you achieving a better match rate in the next step.
Our ‘Filematching’ procedure involves matching your customer database against the Dun & Bradstreet Marketing Database, and appending our unique DUNS number to each of the matched records, thereby enabling the transfer of updated or additional information fields from our database to yours.
We normally require the following fields of information to assist the matching process:
* Your unique identifier
* Company name
* Full address, postcode, telephone number
* The Australian Company Number (ACN) or ABN where you have it.
To determine how many of your customers exist in the Dun & Bradstreet Marketing database, the Filematching procedure basically requires two stages of analysis:
Stage 1. The first is an electronic process that is performed by two custom-built software systems. This exercise generally achieves a match rate of 50 – 60% between your database and ours. The success of this match rate process will depend on the data entry standards of your database.
Stage 2. In order to increase the match rate, your unmatched records will be manually browsed for possible matches. This is likely to increase the match by a further 10 – 20%.
The Dun & Bradstreet DUNS Number is used in our matching to assist in the de-duplication of our records with yours. The DUNS Number originates from the Dun & Bradstreet Universal Numbering System. Every record on the Dun & Bradstreet database worldwide is allocated a unique DUNS number.
During the filematch process we add the DUNS number to all of your records that we have successfully matched. This 9-digit identification number then becomes the link between the two databases providing the foundation for the transfer of information from one database to another.
Database Enhancement
Once a match rate has been established we are able to update and append over 20 fields of information to your customer records as required. These include:
Full Company Name, Address
Name & Title of Decision Maker, Phone Number
Fax Number, Employee Size
Annual Revenue, Year Company Started
Line of Business ,Public Company Y/N
Importer Y/N, Exporter Y/N
Standard Industrial Classification Code (SIC) Australian Company Number (ACN)
We are also able to append family tree/linkage information such as parent and subsidiary details.
Investment (prices EXCL GST)
a) File Cleaning
No charge if customer’s data is supplied in correct format. If your database requires special attention to make it capable of being processed, the cost will be quoted separately.
b) File Matching
The investment for this process is $150 per thousand customer records read, with a minimum order value of $500 and a $250 setup fee.
c) Manual Browse and Review
The investment for this process is $300 per thousand unmatched records sent to the US for manual work with a minimum order of $500 and a $250 setup fee.
d) Database Enhancement*
Other data elements can be added to the matched records with our Database Enhancement procedure. For those records where we have identified a match you are able to select the additional field(s) you require.
The investment for the appending of fields is 30 cents per field updated or added to each customer record and 60 cents per DUNS number.
For the first step, we usually suggest a test match on 1000 random records from your file to assess the quality of the data and establish potential match and append rates, to be able to give you an estimated pricing.
2) ADP Full Business Append Package
As an enhancement to the first File Matching Program, we can also run this exercise to gain a greater match on your data.
a) ADP Basic Business Append Package
Primary Industry Type (Description)
Number of Employees
Investment: $0.62 (plus GST) if we successfully append any of the above to the record
b) ADP Full Business Append Package
Primary Industry Type (Description)
Number of Employees
Head Office Flag
A.C.N /A.B.N
Phone Number
Fax Number
Job Title of Contact
Investment is $1.05 (plus GST) if we successfully append any of the above to the record
Set Up of $250 (excl GST), then a Run Fee of $6 per 1000(excl GST). Phone Numbers can also be appended for $0.22 (exl GST) per append. Again, we would run your sample file through the system initially to check the match rate.