Charity Causes Survey – Email Data



This database was developed as a subset of an immense consumer file, which was carried out to provide Australian Families with the opportunity to influence the type of advertising material they receive. The proven performance of this database is ideal when reaching those with a predisposition to a support “a cause”. We have given you options and breakdowns of Mailing, Telemarketing and Email Data.

Email Data                  
Children’ welfare 1053 17501 494 13943 4781 1903 13371 6598 59644
Third World Causes 368 4828 106 3240 1430 435 4235 1747 16389
Homeless 202 3456 69 2586 895 323 3101 1120 11752
Animal Welfare 533 8334 268 8676 3732 1079 8121 3808 34551
HIV/Aids Research 1 6 0 4 3 0 3 1 18
Blind 101 1669 46 1359 754 216 1469 726 6340
Cancer Research 498 10119 244 7886 2592 957 7379 3097 32772
The Elderly 30 528 25 455 123 54 468 212 1895
Wildlife 41 837 25 714 210 87 681 332 2927
Environment 23 500 15 301 115 38 431 159 1582
Wildlife/Environment 0 2 0 2 0 0 1 1 6
Human Rights 28 367 9 185 59 20 271 108 1047
Deaf 7 165 7 311 47 22 194 86 839
Disabled/Handicapped 34 702 19 659 164 61 527 238 2404
Mental Health 28 533 10 274 115 55 476 154 1645
Medical Research 57 817 14 624 234 89 685 258 2778
Illness 0 0 0 2 1 1 2 1 7
Arts/Culture 15 153 2 78 36 11 116 33 444
Heart Research 23 595 12 437 128 54 483 147 1879
Childrens Hospitals/Health 47 1793 33 1211 247 78 2014 562 5985
Disaster Relief 34 571 11 402 131 49 558 182 1938
Trauma 3 70 2 44 22 6 48 31 226
None of these 0 3 0 0 0 0 21 0 24
War Veterans 18 237 13 248 46 21 195 87 865
Total 3144 53786 1424 43641 15865 5559 44850 19688 187957

Investment (special charity price):

$390 per 1,000 for Mailing or Tele Data, $560 per 1,000 for Mail and Tele Data, with set up and delivery for $300 or $290 per 1,000 for Email data with a set up and delivery fee of $500 (incl. transmission).
(Final price is dependant on numbers rented, and additional selections chosen).

*Please note these prices exclude GST