Commercial ProspectPlus Database

The VA Commercial ProspectsPlus Database Profile
Immense. That’s all we can say. For an unparalleled Business resource, this is it.
With 2.1 million commercial prospects, we offer you the opportunity to access commercial prospect records which include approximately:
900,000 unique SOHOs (Small Office / Home Office)
700,000 unique SMEs (Small Medium Enterprises)
500,000 unique medium / large / other size organisations
This is due to the fact we can access Veda Advantages commercial credit bureau data which receives more than 200,000 updates per month ensures the commercial prospects are exceptionally current and accurate.

Total SOHO MICRO SMALL Medium to large
(or unknown)
Information provided
(where available)
# of records % of
# of records % of
# of records % of businesses # of records % of
# of records % of
2,237,388   1,062,853   468,445   235,922   470,168  
Company Name 2,098,091 94% 923,556 87% 468,445 100% 235,922 100% 470,168 100%
Contact Name 1,236,843 55% 864,090 81% 207,719 44% 155,074 66% 9,960 2%
Address 1,929,108 86% 1,059,706 100% 434,603 93% 230,563 98% 204,236 43%
SOHO Flag 1,062,853 48% 1,062,853 100% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0%
Telephone Number 1,021,040 46% 515,915 49% 93,748 20% 83,557 35% 327,820 70%
No. of Emp 1,371,354 61% 649,703 61% 468,445 100% 235,922 100% 17,284 4%
PrimaryDPID 1,852,804 83% 1,043,619 98% 414,558 88% 225,692 96% 168,935 36%
DPID 1,886,798 84% 1,044,404 98% 420,469 90% 224,610 95% 197,315 42%
CCD 1,887,250 84% 1,042,199 98% 419,467 90% 225,327 96% 200,257 43%
ABN 1,299,790 58% 598,475 56% 396,317 85% 229,076 97% 75,922 16%
ACN 985,874 44% 408,489 38% 301,268 64% 234,655 99% 41,462 9%
Fax Number 190,744 9% 58,795 6% 29,056 6% 27,548 12% 75,345 16%
ANZSIC Code 1,044,963 47% 427,016 40% 166,492 36% 121,698 52% 329,757 70%
Tenure (IncorpDate) 1,167,700 52% 532,322 50% 383,694 82% 234,402 99% 17,282 4%
Entity Type 1,286,131 57% 591,009 56% 391,354 84% 227,878 97% 75,890 16%


Each record can contain:
– Company Name
– Address fields
– Telephone Number (optional)
– Contact Name (optional). Fully Personalised
– Selection Code (as below)
– Refine your commercial prospect list by using (where available) a companies ANZSIC code (i.e. industry type of the business), a “number of employees” indicator, and other descriptors.
– Geography filters applied at State, Postcode or Suburb level
– Time in business
– Employee Size Indicator

Information provided National ACT NSW NT QLD SA TAS VIC WA
Businesses/Total 2,237,388 26,402 720,025 10,428 333,057 117,044 37,494 506,779 177,879
Company Name 2,098,091 23,629 662,236 9,755 312,821 108,842 32,275 471,386 168,867
Contact Name 1,236,843 17,664 472,389 6,090 206,864 69,146 23,742 324,258 105,679
Address 1,929,108 26,402 720,025 10,428 333,057 117,044 37,494 506,779 177,879
SOHO Flag 1,062,853 15,917 395,626 5,311 177,556 63,036 24,837 282,123 95,300
Telephone Number 1,021,040 12,804 295,082 4,670 137,099 54,526 22,229 211,007 71,827
Number of Employees 1,371,354 15,294 502,408 6,550 227,857 76,046 20,004 357,892 125,436
PrimaryDPID 1,852,804 24,859 694,439 9,072 315,854 111,571 35,983 490,623 170,391
DPID 1,886,798 24,673 687,270 9,726 308,334 110,871 36,355 483,371 168,475
CCD 1,887,250 24,877 692,498 9,457 316,990 111,078 35,502 492,249 170,479
ABN 1,299,790 15,275 469,702 6,135 210,706 70,532 18,221 330,090 113,841
ACN 985,874 13,070 376,900 4,373 159,007 50,857 11,775 259,700 78,162
Fax Number 190,744 2,856 44,177 1,916 31,077 13,008 4,944 29,654 19,240
ANZSIC Code 1,044,963 11,378 296,780 5,130 145,136 57,912 18,640 219,350 79,714
Tenure (Incorp_Date) 1,167,700 11,679 433,186 5,432 190,394 63,297 15,960 309,602 106,505
Entity Type 1,286,131 15,109 463,954 6,073 208,868 69,929 18,065 326,598 113,016
File No 1,371,354 15,294 502,408 6,550 227,857 76,046 20,004 357,892 125,436
Information provided National ACT NSW NT QLD SA TAS VIC WA
Businesses / Total 1,062,853 15,917 395,626 5,311 177,556 63,036 24,837 282,123 95,300
Company Name 923,556 13,144 337,837 4,638 157,320 54,834 19,618 246,730 86,288
Contact Name 864,090 13,371 324,971 4,336 145,491 50,245 19,490 230,096 76,055
Address 1,059,706 15,917 395,626 5,311 177,556 63,036 24,837 282,123 95,300
SOHO Flag 1,062,853 15,917 395,626 5,311 177,556 63,036 24,837 282,123 95,300
Telephone Number 515,915 8,547 191,545 2,621 84,161 33,481 16,358 132,221 44,084
Number of Employees 649,703 7,997 240,664 3,043 108,593 36,309 11,080 180,192 61,450
PrimaryDPID 1,043,619 15,774 389,729 5,078 173,924 62,097 24,594 278,572 93,851
DPID 1,044,404 15,723 389,593 5,179 174,046 62,152 24,543 278,285 94,293
CCD 1,042,199 15,760 387,493 5,261 174,598 61,783 24,206 278,856 93,869
ABN 598,475 8,095 221,659 2,820 100,116 33,642 10,036 165,421 55,749
ACN 408,489 6,513 160,606 1,711 66,308 20,869 5,350 115,072 31,616
Fax Number 58,795 1,132 17,670 731 12,496 5,114 2,606 10,708 7,709
ANZSIC Code 427,016 6,062 152,340 2,236 72,029 28,495 11,119 112,034 40,192
Tenure (Incorp_Date) 532,322 5,616 199,037 2,436 86,554 29,045 8,307 151,003 50,031
Entity Type 591,009 7,983 218,191 2,780 99,078 33,304 9,932 163,515 55,292
FileNo 649,703 7,997 240,664 3,043 108,593 36,309 11,080 180,192 61,450
MICRO (4 or less employees)                  
Information provided National ACT NSW NT QLD SA TAS VIC WA
Businesses / Total 468,445 4,073 166,698 2,162 74,895 25,804 5,165 112,583 43,223
Company Name 468,445 4,073 166,698 2,162 74,895 25,804 5,165 112,583 43,223
Contact Name 207,719 2,049 85,187 898 31,394 10,098 1,715 52,002 16,632
Address 434,603 4,073 166,698 2,162 74,895 25,804 5,165 112,583 43,223
SOHO Flag 0 0 0 0 0