Direct Mail Purchasers


Accountable List Brokers are proud to present a variety of consumer databases in relation to Health, Mail Order & Catalogue consumers, Music & Book Clubs Members and various Lifestyle Information.

Agora Master File Australia & NZ

Universe:        100,000           CPM:   From US$170                         Set Up: POA

25,000 NZ      
Master file of consumer newsletter subscribers and book buyers. Both subscribers and purchasers have spent US$20 US$100. Publications include: Health Sciences Institute, Dr. Jonathan Wrights Nutrition & Healing, Dr. Douglass Real Health Breakthroughs, and Dr. Atkins’ Health Revelations Former Subscribers. These proven mail-order buyers are very concerned with health-related issues. Books and reports include: Chinese Breathing, How to Fight Cancer and Win, How to Fight Prostate Cancer and Win, How to Fight Heart Disease and Win, Ki Kou, Prostate Report, The Better Vision Kit, and Underground Cures. These consumers are interested in alternative and traditional health offers aimed at improving the quality of their lives. A high percentage being male.

Australian Natural Care Product Buyers (ANCP)

Universe:        70,000                         CPM:   $350                            Set Up: $330

All customers on this list have purchased all natural products such as vitamins, minerals, supplements, shampoos, deodorants, body creams, books and other health care products by mail order and off the page.


Universe:        144,000                       CPM:   $220                            Set Up: $330

Buyers of personal use products, mainly self-improvement and health, including therapeutic and weight-loss products, personal motivational audiotapes, books, pheromones, aftershaves and smoking deterrents. The list continually performs well for many varied offers.

Bookman Health Australia & NZ

Universe:        165,000 Aust               CPM:   from $300                    Set Up: $325

                        25,000 NZ
Bookman has a database of health conscious consumers in Australia and New Zealand who have purchased books (via direct response) relating to natural health and self help titles which include – The Australian Drug Guide, Second Youth, The Nature Doctor, The Ancient Secrets of Youth as well as many other books on natural remedies, pain relief, weight loss. The file is approximately 66% female and 34% male and is typically aged between 40-75 years.

Bradford Group Australia & NZ

Universe:        400,000                       CPM:   $270                            Set Up: $330
20,000 NZ
Combined files of The Bradford Exchange and Ashton Drake now form the Bradford Group. The Bradford Group market limited edition collectable plates and dolls direct to the public via direct response. Product select is available and the majority of customers are repeat buyers whom have purchased via mail order responsive.


Danoz Direct

Universe:        1million +                     CPM:   from $260                    Set Up: $385

Huge DRTV Company with over 1 million active customers. Customers are obtained via purchasing products from television, Catalogues, Online and off the page. Products purchased range from General Home ware, Health and Beauty, Fitness and Fitness Equipment, Innovative merchandise and Easy Storage Bags for clothes, cushions and the like. A massive file which is one the most responsive files available today. An average of 12,000 new customers being added every month.
Doubleday Book Clubs – Australia & NZ

Universe:        165,000 + Aust.                      CPM:   $250                            Set Up: $330

                        65,000 NZ        

Members of the Doubleday Book Club are recruited with a special introductory offer via direct response media such as inserts in magazines and newspapers, direct mail, cross-promotional activity, member-get-member programs and telemarketing. Members are mailed monthly and have a commitment to purchase a minimum of items in a given period of time, therefore all are proven multi mail buyers. Each club being different enables better targeting to various audiences. Club types / selections are: Doubleday Book Club, Childrens Book Club, Inspirations Club, Question Fantasy & Science Fiction Club, Mind Body & Spirit Club, History & Military Club, Mango, Books for Blokes.
Doubleday Music Clubs – Australia & NZ

Universe:        145,000 + Aust.                                  CPM:   $250                Set Up: $330

                        40,000 NZ      

Predominantly female membership covering a broad range of music: rock / pop, easy listening, country, alternative blues, jazz and classical. Purchasers on a continuity basis with a minimum number of purchasers needed to stay in the club. Each club being different enables better targeting to various audiences. Club types / selections are: Music Direct, Hot Music Direct and Country Music Club.
F.I.A.S. Insurance

Universe:        375,000                       CPM:   $220                            Set Up: $330

Family Insurance Advisory Services (FIAS) offers no obligation financial and insurance services with free entry into their sweepstakes draw run by the Family Prize Club. All the records on the file have been generated solely through direct mail promotions. This list is now a static file with the most recent being 12 months plus data only.
Health Pride (Palani) – Australia & NZ

Universe:        300,000 Aust               CPM:   US$180                       Set Up: US$200

                        150,000 NZ
This is one of the largest files of Australian health-oriented and general merchandise mail order buyers. Majority female aged 50 years plus. Works very well for those wanting to target older customers.
Health & Well Being

Universe:        12,000                         CPM:   $250                                        Set Up: $385

All of these customers have purchased products for a range of well being problems including: – hearing difficulties, stress, energy loss or a childs learning difficulty. The customer profile is 60/40 male / female, 50 years plus, well educated, self funded retirees. Most of these customers have purchased via credit card with an average customer spend of around $500.

Innovations Australia & NZ

Universe:        1million plus                CPM:   $250                            Set Up: $330

                        370,000 NZ
Leading catalogue mail order trading Company with active customer base of consumers who have purchased from the Innovations range of products. Slightly more upmarket to other mail order catalogue buyers.
Lifestyle Survey Data Geospend
Universe:        1.2 million +                 CPM: from $315                      Set Up: $330
A detailed database compiled from household responses to self-completed questionnaires received via direct mail. Highly targeted selections are available providing detailed information within the follow categories: – Health, Charity concerns, Money and Investment, Home details, Motoring, Shopping habits, Interests and hobbies.


Mother and Baby Gift Pack

Universe:        256,000                       CPM:   from $270                    Set Up: $330

This list contains the names and details of mothers who have responded to a targeted sample pack offer via hospitals nationally. Mums collect their Progress Packs from a leading national retailer when their baby is between two and four months old. Childrens age is a selection criteria from 1 month 12 years. First time Mums also available.

National Geographic Australia & NZ

Universe:        256,000           CPM:   from $340                    Set Up: $225

                        117,000 NZ     Selection Fee: $20 per 1000 records
This is a highly educated and affluent members base. Readers are loyal with the average subscription length of 15 years and a renewal rate of 80%. Members have an above average income with many having a professional career. The average age is 44 years, 55% male and 45% female. Membership is US$400-00 per annum with a high percentage paying by credit card.
 Ortega Publishing Range Australia & NZ

Universe:        515,000 Aust.              CPM: $240                              Set Up: $330

                        72,800 NZ
General Merchandise purchasers are direct response buyers who have purchased personalised products for the children they love. The majority of new names are generated in pre-Christmas activity between the months of August and December. Purchasers of these products are predominantly female. Products include:
My Adventure Books, Name Poems, Name Clocks, Identity Direct and Labels By Mail purchasers.
 Product Purchasers via Internet

Universe:        27,000                         CPM:   $250                                        Set Up: $330

This list comprises of customers who have purchased products over the web and paid online using their credit cards. Products include health and fitness, home ware and general merchandise. The average dollar spend being $75-00 and thought to be 74% female aged 35 years plus.

Quarry House Direct – Australia & NZ

Universe:        130,000 + Aust                       CPM:   $270                Set Up: $385

                        10,500 NZ

A customer database of consumers who have purchased via Off-The Page and Direct Mail. The majority of customers purchase using a c/card and the products range from Health and Fitness, Collectible cars and Pain Relief. With 55% male aged 45 years plus with the average dollar spend of $65. A very good file seeing the majority of clients rollout.
Rodale Press (Health Books) Australia & NZ

Universe:        158,000                       CPM:   $260                            Set Up: $330

                        33,000 NZ

The customers are purchasers of health books. Titles include: – The Doctors Book Of Home Remedies For Women, Low Fat Living, New Choices In Natural Healing and Hard Body Plan. The customer base is 68% female, 22% male and 10% Unknown. Majority are aged 40 years and over and a small segment of Mens Health being 28 45 years. The average dollar spend is $60-00 and the majority have paid via credit card.

Senior Catalogue Subscribers

Universe:        92,000             CPM:   $250                            Set Up: $385

Access to over 67,000 subscribers to Bowls Alive. The magazine covers interest topics including sport, lifestyle and general interests for seniors. Fully personalised to the home address, 80% male, majority 45yrs plus these subscribers receive their catalogues on a bi-monthly basis.
Scholastic At Home

Universe:        150,000 Aust.              CPM:   from $150- $350          Set Up: $275

Scholastic At Home successfully publishes childrens books. Their database consists of 150,000 highly responsive customers (85% women) who have responded to direct mail, inserts or telemarketing offers for a wide range of childrens books, such as Disney Book Club and Dr Seuss beginner readers.
Windsor Mail Order – Australia & NZ

Universe:        195,000 Aust               CPM:   $250                            Set Up: $275

                        30,000 NZ
With over 50% of the customers being multi-purchasers this list is considered highly responsive. Purchasers of jewellery from sterling silver charms up to gold and diamonds the dollar spends vary from AUD$10 AUD$350 per piece. The majority of customers pay on their credit cards and regularly purchase from the list owners regular catalogue mailings.
Please see relevant file for pricing on data. These prices exclude GST for those quoted in Australian Dollars.
Minimum Order: 5000 records