They say, “power is money” and vice versa and this file fits the bill. Extracted from the highest income areas down to an individual basis, these contacts, all at home address, are financially very substantial.
Chosen for their material wealth, these represent less than a quarter of a percent of our population, yet are major players in the financial stakes – so if you have a product thats made for this audience – here it is.
The List Owner wants to retain the integrity of this database and will only allow “prestige” offers so the audience remains responsive.
This is fully researched information that comprehensively covers 3,478 records of East Coast major influential people in Australia. This file is constantly kept up-to-date, so up-to-date that the list owner is guaranteeing the files deliverability 100%.
Available by postcode, nth selection, male, female, and date last mailed to.
Upper and lower cased, max character length 38, making this ideal for fully personalised laser letters or mailing labels. This database is provided on disc, or for a small extra charge can be provided on cheshire labels, pre-printed envelopes or self-adhesive labels.
Available for an investment of, for Mailing data from $385 per 1,000 records and Mailing and Telemarketing data from $545 per 1,000 on 2,325 records. For a small extra charge, this file can be provided on a multi-use basis, which means you can retain and reuse the database. The standard Computer access (programming) fee and delivery is $330. Wed be pleased to negotiate a special rate for you, when ordered with another database. There is a minimum order quantity of 1000 records.
*Please note these prices are inclusive of a 10% GST.
Accountable List Brokers have been exclusively approved to offer and guarantee this lists deliverability 100% for mailing data, within 30 days of data delivery.