Engineers – National

We have a number of Databases available, which are the most comprehensive, commercially available in Australia.
1. Publication Subscribers.. Selected from Industry Publications, such as:
Australian Electronics Engineering – This magazine covers technological trends, news, new products and policy changes affecting the electronics industry.
Australian Mining – This magazine is a leading publication providing the mining and minerals processing industry in Australia.
Broadcast Engineering News – Australia’s leading technology magazine for TV, radio and recording industries.
Construction ContractorConstruction Contractor is a news magazine for the construction industry.
The Subscribers Database (below) is accessible for: $325 per 1,000 records as Mailing Data. Set up fee: $330, plus GST. Min Order: 2000 records

CE – Communications Engineer 3 5 8 4 11 11 42
CF – Chemical Engineer 3 1 1 5
CJ – Computer Engineer 1 23 5 5 29 6 69
EA – Audio Engineer 2 24 1 4 3 22 9 65
EC – Engineering Consultant 5 68 25 6 4 49 12 169
EE – Chief Engineer 15 178 5 98 44 11 155 37 543
EL – Electronics Engineer 7 76 20 24 7 71 15 220
EM – Engineering Manager 6 254 1 89 50 10 224 49 683
EN – Engineer 67 1181 11 423 195 50 1038 185 3150
FE – Plant Engineer 38 12 8 2 35 3 98
GB – Engineering Director 19 12 4 12 5 52
GC – Electrical Engineer 5 175 1 79 24 7 73 32 396
GD – Design Engineer 3 122 1 38 20 7 108 29 328
GF – Packaging Engineer 9 3 1 13
GH – Civil Engineer 5 82 23 9 2 50 12 183
GR – Recording Engineer 7 5 2 14
HH – Project Engineers 1 123 3 35 25 7 122 22 338
LG – Chemical Engineer 3 1 2 3 9
MF – Mechanical Engineer 3 70 43 9 1 46 10 182
MR – Maintenance Engineer 2 34 1 19 5 24 6 91
PC – Production Engineer 40 7 13 53 4 117
PE – Process Engineer 27 14 9 1 28 5 84
SE – Sales Engineer 1 66 30 10 5 60 8 180
Grand Total 126 2627 23 983 468 117 2220 467 7031
Mailing Total
Aeronautical Engineers 53
Bio-Medical Engineers 37
Chemical Engineers 44
Civil Engineers 442
Clubs – Model Engineers 6
Combustion Engineers 26
Diesel Engineers 136
Electrical Engineers 410
Electronic Engineers 242
Engineers 2,766
Engineers – Consulting 1,268
Engineers – Installation and Maintenance 127
Engineers – Manufacturing 441
Engineers Supplies 190
Geotechnical Engineers 79
Heating; Hot Water and Ventilating Engineers 61
Marine Engineers 119
Mechanical Engineers 561
Mining Engineers 150
Plastics – Toolmakers and Engineers 22
Power Transmission Engineers 34
Precision Engineers 44
Printing Engineers 72
Refrigeration Engineers 189
Repetition Engineers 45
Sound Engineers 40
Steam Engineers 11
Structural Engineers 169
Total 7,784

2. Engineering Businesses, (6,564 records) listed under Trading Names. Pricing at $200 set up, $160 per 1,000 for Mailing, $180 per 1,000 for Mailing and Telemarketing data. Plus GST. Minimum Order 1000 records.
3. Engineering Businesses (7,784 records) who have been validated with CEO contact + employees. At $300 set up, $300 per 1,000 for Mailing, $600 per 1,000 for Mailing and Telemarketing data. Plus GST. Minimum Order 1,000 records.
4. Engineering Head Offices with CEO – This is file available for $250 set up, $295 per 1,000 for Mailing data, $595 per 1,000 for Mailing and Telemarketing data. Plus GST. Minimum Order 2,000 records.
Engineering Businesses Validated with CEO
Engineering Businesses

State Count
ACT 70
NSW 2056
NT 88
TAS 184
SA 489
WA 688
QLD 1405
VIC 1584
TOTAL 6564

Head Offices with CEO

State Count
ACT 64
NSW 1694
NT 44
QLD 914
SA 319
TAS 107
VIC 1464
WA 757
TOTAL 5363