This information comprehensively covers all of Australia. This file is constantly kept up-to-date with every type of association and industry group you could imagine. It is so up-to-date that the list owner is guaranteeing the files deliverability 95%+.
Currently there are 4,300 records, and 9,500 Key Decision Makers.
Available by postcode range.
Upper and lower cased, max character length 45, making this ideal for fully personalised laser letters or mailing labels. The database is provided on disc, or for a small extra charge can be provided on self-adhesive labels or pre-printed envelopes.
Available for an investment of $250 per 1,000 for mailing data or $325 per 1000 for mailing and telemarketing data. For a small extra charge, this file can be provided on multi-use bases, which means you can retain and re-use the database. The standard Computer access (programming) fee and delivery is $200. The minimum order value is $575.
*Please note these prices are excluding GST.
Accountable List Brokers have been approved to offer and guarantee this Lists deliverability 95%+ for mailing data, within 30 days of data delivery.