National Consumer Computer Survey
This unique database was developed as a subset of an immense consumer file, which was carried out to provide Australian Families with the opportunity to influence the type of advertising material they receive. In turn, this provides them with timely and relevant direct mail offers that they are interested in and have need for. The proven performance of this database has exceeded any comparable database on the market and has been created with a “opt out” facility.
The survey covers the lifestyle and purchasing intentions of over 330,000 Individuals aged 18 years and over, who own a computer. The type of information included is: –
Lifestyle Data: Respondee and Partner Details/Incomes
Family Information: dwelling type, number of people/bedrooms home ownership/rental, time at current address
Leisure Interests: holiday destinations, leisure activities, magazines read and television programmes watched.
Computer: Type/Games/Modem Type.
Rental Options: Mailing/telemarketing/email data can be provided on a multiple use (continued) contract. For example, used over a 6 month period, the rental is $1.10 per record, or for 12 months, $1.65.
Update: This database is updated on a continuous basis.
Investment: Mailing Data from: $340.00 per 1,000
Mail and Tele Data from: $415.00 per 1,000
Email Data from: $400.00 per 1,000
(Final price is dependent on numbers rented, and additional selections chosen)
Set up and delivery fee: $330.00
*Please note these prices exclude GST.
Minimum Order: 3,000 records
Restrictions: A sample of the communication must be submitted for the List Owners approval. Usage is controlled, hence all requests must specify mailing/telemarketing/email transmission dates.
The List Owner wishes to ensure that any person on this database that has indicated that they do not want to be contacted, be removed from the file. Therefore it is requested that all information on returned mail, changed phone numbers or “opt out” emails be forwarded back to Accountable List Brokers.