Charity Causes Survey – Telemarketing Data

This database was developed as a subset of an immense consumer file, which was carried out to provide Australian Families with the opportunity to influence the type of advertising material they receive. The proven performance of this database is ideal when reaching those with a predisposition to a support “a cause”. We have given you options and breakdowns of Mailing, Telemarketing and Email Data.

Telemarketing Data
Children’ welfare 630 10533 250 7658 3166 1250 7997 3689 35173
Third World Causes 209 3019 52 1945 1076 324 2892 1059 10576
Homeless 133 2169 31 1594 670 241 2070 655 7563
Animal Welfare 345 5489 123 5195 2990 771 5549 2473 22935
HIV/Aids Research 1 5 0 3 2 0 5 2 18
Blind 86 1694 35 1219 954 223 1531 671 6413
Cancer Research 359 7408 129 5436 2361 789 5796 2205 24483
The Elderly 21 362 17 306 97 45 374 140 1362
Wildlife 25 562 9 461 152 53 466 199 1927
Environment 15 287 5 174 81 23 265 92 942
Wildlife/Environment 0 1 0 1 0 0 2 1 5
Human Rights 17 212 4 98 46 14 164 56 611
Deaf 4 133 4 240 45 22 154 67 669
Disabled/Handicapped 26 589 15 523 171 56 484 201 2065
Mental Health 19 343 1 180 83 36 351 90 1103
Medical Research 39 706 8 436 219 94 609 185 2296
Illness 0 0 0 1 2 1 3 1 8
Arts/Culture 7 104 1 41 26 3 79 31 292
Heart Research 21 518 5 323 140 42 492 137 1678
Childrens Hospitals/Health 36 1195 13 712 174 53 1397 367 3947
Disaster Relief 25 460 7 285 139 47 491 141 1595
Trauma 2 52 0 35 23 2 48 20 182
None of these 0 4 0 0 0 0 29 0 33
War Veterans 18 189 5 164 45 16 169 60 666
Total 2038 36034 714 27030 12662 4105 31417 12542 126542

Investment (special charity price):
$390 per 1,000 for Mailing or Tele Data, $560 per 1,000 for Mail and Tele Data, with set up and delivery for $300 or $290 per 1,000 for Email data with a set up and delivery fee of $500 (incl. transmission).
(Final price is dependant on numbers rented, and additional selections chosen).

*Please note these prices exclude GST.