Fax Lists
Fax Marketing is Still One of the Most Effective Ways to Target Potential & Existing Clients. Why not Try a Fax List Today?
With Accountable List Brokers fax services you need no special computer equipment, expensive fax hardware or servers, fax software or multiple phone lines.Whether you using fax marketing to introduce your services to potential clients or keeping your current customers up to date with you latest specials, fax broadcasting is an extremely powerful and effective method of spreading your messages.
Targeted Fax Campaigns
For over 15 years now, we have been providing Fax Streaming for both Generic and Personalised fax campaigns for clientele across Australia. You can now access over 290,000 fax records of Businesses in Australia by Personalisation, Industry type, location and in many cases by company size. We can send your fax to thousands of businesses within just 2 hours of contacting us!
Mail Merging Fax Letters
Better still, if you provide us with a Word document, and your database (alternatively, we can provide one for you!) we can send your message out, as a generic document, or as a mail merged personalised document. From just 22 cents per transmission, it is less expensive than Postage, and well worth testing. So why not try our fax lists today? Note: We keep a listing of those who have indicated they do not wish to be contacted via fax, so we can exclude them from the start. Call us now to see we can help you reach your target audience.