Transaction Universe is a mailing database which is a subset of the First Direct (Aust Post) Solutions Data Co-operative.
There are currently approximately 1.1 million households in the Transaction Universe. Consisting of Individuals that have Purchased Goods or Services by Mail Order during the last three years.
Records in Transaction Universe are 100% direct marketing responsive (guaranteed to have transacted) and are Privacy Compliant. The database is regularly updated against the Australian Direct Marketing Associations’ Do Not Mail/Do Not Call file.
This data is only available through First Direct Solutions. No competitors have access to the First Direct Solutions Data Co-operative or Transaction Universe data sets (exclusivity).
Known to be direct marketing responsive
85% are new names and do not appear on the Lifestyle database
Data is updated quarterly
Privacy compliant
Washed against ADMAs Do Not Mail/Do Not Call file and Australia Posts National Change of Address file
Selection Criteria
Recency, Frequency & Monetary Spend
Recency of last transaction
Value of spend 0-36 months
Known credit card usage 0-36 months
Number of transactions
Modeled Variables
Financial Status Indicators
Deliverability Guarantees
Transaction Universe data carries a 95% deliverability guarantee.
$300 set up and $370 per 1000 Mailing records plus gst. The Minimum Order of 5,000 records applies.
Turnaround Time
4 Business days from receipt of order confirmation.(we require a sample of what you are sending too)
Transaction Universe: Statistics
Current Transaction Universe RFM* Statistics
Total Spend (0-36Mths) Households Payment Method Households
1 to $49 = 326,000 Credit Card = 190,000
$50 to $149 = 310,000 Cheque = 400,000
$150 to $449 = 342,000 Cash = 289,000
$450 plus = 140,000 Money Order = 104,000
Other = 739,354
Total Trans (0-36Mths) Households Trans Recency Households
1 to 12 = 734,000 0 to 3 month = 95,500
12 to 24 = 222,000 3 to 6 month = 176,500
24 to 36 = 162,000 6 to 12 month = 192,000
12 to 24 month = 351,000
24 to 36 month = 303,000
Current Transaction Universe Demographic Data Statistics (0 36 months)
Gender Households Age Households
Male = 330,000 Below 35 = 15,000
Female = 827,000 36 44 = 219,000
45 54 = 634,000
55 64 = 206,000
65+ = 17,000
Geography Households
NSW = 363,000
TAS = 33,000
VIC = 243,000
NT = 12,000
QLD = 238,000
ACT = 18,000
WA = 129,000
SA = 82,000
Financial Status Indicator Households (See Page 4)
Indicator 1 = 153,000
Indicator 2 = 165,000
Indicator 3 = 219,000
Indicator 4 = 293,000
Indicator 5 = 260,000
Transaction Universe: Modelled Income & Age Bands
Age Bands
First Direct Solutions engaged the services of an external statistical consulting group to predict age and income variables. The modeling technique used to model age was multiple linear regressions. The classification and regression tree (CART) approach was used to model the income variable.
Numerous explanatory variables were used in the modeling process such as Location, Spend, Gender and Transactional Activity.
The age variable is grouped into the following ranges:
18-34 years
35-44 years
Finl Status Indic 1: | This group typically has a household income in the $10,000 – $40,000 per annum range 45% of all households in this group fall into his range. Income ranges above $60,000 are under-represented by this group. |
Finl Status Indic 2: | This groups typical income is in the $20,000 – $60,000 per annum (almost 40%). Incomes in the $80,000+ ranges are under represented. |
Finl Status Indic 3: | Over 40% of incomes for group 3 are in the $30,000 – $80,000 per annum range. Incomes at the lowest band are now starting to be under-represented. |
Finl Status Indic 4: | 42% of this groups household incomes fall into the $40,000 – $100,000 per annum range. Incomes falling into the lowest bands are now significantly under-represented. |
Finl Status Indic 5: | Almost one third of incomes in this group fall in the $80,000+ per annum range. A typical income for this group is in the more than $60,000 per annum range. |
Finl Status Indic 1: | This group tends to have an unsophisticated approach to their financial choices. Very few have a self managed super fund (less than 2%), or an investment property loan for example. Financial choices tend to be limited to “bare essential” products with funeral plan and wills featuring strongly. One third has a super fund and 20% own shares. |
Finl Status Indic 2: | In this group funeral plans and wills are less strongly featured than for group 1. Term deposits, personal loans and life insurance are more in evidence representing low to mid range financial sophistication. |
Finl Status Indic 3: | Amongst this group products like private health insurance (38%), life insurance (29%) and share ownership (28%) is common. Managed investment funds, self managed super funds and property trusts are no longer under-represented. |
Finl Status Indic 4: | In this group the mid range financial products are very common (private health insurance 43%, life insurance 29%, share ownership 30%), but we also can see more sophisticated choices being made. Self managed super funds, managed funds and investment property loans are over-represented. At the lower end of the scale, financial products such as personal loans and term deposits are now under-represented. |
Finl Status Indic 5: | This group demonstrates high levels of sophisticated financial choices self managed super funds and property trusts at twice the expected levels. Share portfolios (40%), investment property loans (13%) and managed funds (18%) are also common. Choices in the insurance area (private health insurance, super funds and life insurance) also indicate that this group is financially aware and can afford to purchase these types of products. |
Finl Status Indic 1: | Just under a quarter of households in this group rents their home whilst more than one third have a home loan. Despite having incomes at the lower end of the scale, almost one third own their homes outright. |
Finl Status Indic 2: | Similar to group 1, about one third own their homes outright, over a third are still paying a mortgage and just over 20% are renting their home. |
Finl Status Indic 3: | Consistent with the first two groups, around a third of this group owns their home outright and 20% are renting. A slightly higher proportion of this group are paying a mortgage, 41% in total. |
Finl Status Indic 4: | In this group we see the percentage of those paying a mortgage increase to 43%, renters decrease to less than one in 5 and those owning their home outright decrease to just less than one third. |
Finl Status Indic 5: | This group represents the highest level of outright home ownership (37%), and the lowest level of renters (17%), of all the groups. |
Finl Status Indic 1: | Approximately two thirds of this group has a credit card, most of these are Visa or MasterCard with only a small percentage owning an AMEX card or Diners card. |
Finl Status Indic 2: | Credit card ownership is prevalent with 75% of households owning a credit card, predominantly Visa or MasterCard. |
Finl Status Indic 3: | Once again, three quarters of this group own a credit card; approximately 10% of these are AMEX cards. |
Finl Status Indic 4: | Approximately 80% of this group owns a credit card with multiple ownership now in evidence. |
Finl Status Indic 5: | Approx 95% credit card penetration is observed with over 20% possessing either an AMEX or Diners card. |
45-54 years
55-64 years
65 plus years